Is going to college really worth it? Many may say going to college means getting a better job. Though do they have proof that is true. There are many people who have gotten a degree with a major and then they work at Walmart.
The URL below is an article that shows great example of students graduating from college and then not having the future they had planned out:
After reading that would you still want to go to college? Well here's another URL that leads to am article that is another eye opener:
With these two articles contradicting each other you might wonder which one is true. Then there are other things to think about. College usnt just for the better job. It is an opportunity to get out in the world and know you can survive in it. You don't have your parents with you, your the adult and must make decisions for your life that can make you or break you. College helps you learn to be independent, it's an experience like no other. College can prepare you to become an adult. It will all be hard work and show you can survive in the real world. Life is not determine by the knowledge you know, but what you do with that knowledge.
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