Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Roy Christopher Notes

One major thing I remember most from Roy Christopher: was how he talked about the different generations.

-Roy Christopher
•Started out in 1980's.
•He was a BMX rider/skateboarder.
•Couldn't find a publisher for his first book, so he self-published it.

-Trust the youth
•Older generation has no trust in younger generation
•They Are not familiar with the technology
•Born into a certain technology some generations will be able to adapt better.
•Older generation: new technology is foreign to them. They don't know how to use it and think if they can't use it we shouldn't? (maybe there more scared if they can't get the hang if something)

-Screen play is a key point in life now.
•How more true could that statement be. Most technology has a screen. Examples: Tv, computer, iPod,cell phone, etc.
•Apple is always making something new with a touch screen now.

-Our enviroment affects our technology, technology doesn't affect our enviroment.
•Technology is part of enviroment

-Multi-tasking is normal for our generation.
•Many teens, will multi-task. If they are on the computer, they are probably on many websites. Example a teen while doing homework is also on facebook.
•Multi-tasking is not the same for older generation because they will usually stick to one task.

-Digital Maturity
•Know the technolgy
•And how it works

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