Friday, October 21, 2011

Tools That Change The Way We Think

Internet/media/ technology has changed the world. It already has me thinking what the future holds for us. There is a vast expansion of technology already. A new thing is being thought up everyday. Without technology I feel I wouldn’t know as much as I do now. Media and internet keeps us informed of things happening around us, where we are able to get information quicker.  When I think of older generation and how they obtain information I think of how little they new in a timely manner. They didn’t have the ability to just use a computer and find any information they wanted by a press of a key. For them they probably had to get information from a book. I see how technology has evolved immensely. It makes you wonder how we would be if we didn’t have a computer, phone, or TV. We would get most information from printed material. Hear of events from newspapers or simply by others. I believe the older generation probably socialized more than we do. We simple just send messages to one another. When back then if they wanted to talk to a friend they would go to one’s house.

There are many positive but there are some negative in having our society rapidly progressing. A major negative would be people will only become lazier. In the future, I have no doubt, they will probably make a computer where you don't even need to type and you simple tell the computer what to look up and it does it. They already have the iphone where you can speak into it and it will translate it in text message format. Now wait until they put the same idea into every technology such as: computer and television.

I found a couple different sites, which named each generation and gave description of each one and how they differ from one another.

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